Our Process

This our process to ensure the right investment, tools and network is right for you
Step 1

Submission Review

Receive project funding submissions from applicants.

Step 2

Initial Screening

Check if submissions meet basic criteria such as alignment with funding goals, completeness of required information, and adherence to submission guidelines.

Step 3

Pre-Evaluation Preparation

Organize submissions for evaluation, assign them to reviewers, and ensure all necessary documents are available.

Step 4

Expert Review

Reviewers assess submissions based on criteria such as project feasibility, impact, budget, and alignment with organization's goals. Each submission might be reviewed by multiple experts.

Step 5

Score and Feedback

Reviewers assign scores or rankings to submissions and provide detailed feedback on strengths and weaknesses. This information helps in making informed decisions.

Step 6

Consolidation and Comparison

Collect scores and feedback from reviewers, and compile them for all submissions. Compare submissions against each other to identify top contenders.

Step 7

Panel Discussion

Based on the panel's discussion, we assign final scores or rankings to submissions. Prioritize projects that align most closely with the organization's objectives.

Step 8

Final Scoring and Ranking

Based on the panel's discussion, we assign final scores or rankings to submissions. Prioritize projects that align most closely with the organization's objectives.

Step 9

Budget Allocation

We consider the available budget and allocate funds to selected projects. We ensure a balance between various projects and their potential impact.

Step 10


Notify all applicants about the decisions. Provide feedback to unsuccessful applicants to help them improve in the future.

Step 11

Documentation and Reporting

Document the evaluation process, decision rationale, and selected projects. This documentation helps in transparency and accountability

Step 12

Post-Approval Steps

For approved projects, establish monitoring mechanisms to ensure the funded projects achieve their goals and milestones.